It's Okay To Not Be Okay...

Mental Health.... alone these words don't stand as something to ominous or serious, they are just two words. Mental... well that's used to describe someone when they do something silly or they make you laugh you'll say "you're mental" or you think of a character from a movie that you'll never have to face. Health... you think of doctors, you think treatable, you think of something like an illness you can get some pills for and it will never bother you again....but put those words together and you create one of the scariest phrases.... Mental's a whole new meaning!

Mental Health issues are one of the most misunderstood medical conditions out there as looks are deceiving, they always say don't judge a book by it's cover and i highly believe this applies here! Just because someone seems happy on the outside doesn't mean inside they are not falling apart it just means that they are strong enough to show a brave face, strong enough to face the world even though they feel like it's always against them!

Doctors, Councillors and various other individuals seem to paint mental health disorders as something you can just sit down talk about and hey presto it's magically dealt with and vanished, however this is very much not the case! Sometimes we just learn to live with it and develop our own way of coping that no therapy can offer us, but this does not mean that every single day is easy.....It's okay to not be okay! 

I know all to well how this feels, i know what it's like to go through hell and dedicate a lot of your time to therapy and various other methods for it all to just come crashing down and be thrown back in your face! For a long period of time you feel great about life again you feel like you've accomplished something and feel inspired by the journey you've been on and truly believe you've managed to get your life back on track, then all of a sudden you find yourself back at square one just in the flip of one single second! 

You're probably wondering why the hell I'm bothering writing this or what on earth I'm blabbering on about....well let me tell you! Battling my own mental health is something I have to do on a daily basis, I myself completed a course of therapy and left feeling positive about my life and a changed person and managed to change the lives of a lot of other people by bringing them positivity and always being there with something positive to say to get them through all the hard times. I managed about a full year in a positive frame of mind, of course I had days where I'd crash but I was lucky enough to not have an extensive breakdown....but now I've noticed that even the most positive of people can run out of positivity one day. I managed a whole year or so with just a few minor issues I was able to control but lately things have spiraled and dropped me back at square one again, because of this I've realized it's okay to not be okay!! It's okay to hold your hands up and ask for help and admit you can't do it anymore, it's okay to scream and cry! but the most important thing to remember is don't give up and you are not alone!

The message of this blog post is not a sop story and it's not for sympathy, its to highlight to people out there who are also going through a tough time and are also suffering, I know how you feel! It scares me highly to be back at rock bottom again but as long as you believe and as long as you have the strength and support you will be okay I promise! holding your hands up to your issues is not a sign of weakness, its a sign or strength and together we will come out on top! 

I've probably confused/bored a lot of you but there will be some individuals among you who can relate, and to those who can we are all here for you! You are loved and you will come out on top, together we can battle mental health and together we will stand up to it and be strong....Just remember it's okay to not be okay!!