Top Of The Rockefeller ...

Have you ever witnessed a scene so beautiful, that you struggle to find the words to describe it? To me this was one of those moments! 

I had never actually been lucky enough to witness a sunset, so to see my first in New York really was something special. We booked our time slot earlier that morning, to make sure we were there right on time to watch the sun going down. When the time came and we made our way up to the top of the Rockefeller, excitement overwhelmed me. 

We got to the top long before the sky had even begun to change, to ensure we each had a good view of the skyline before us. Then there was nothing else left to do other than just wait and watch... As the sun hid from sight and night time creeped in, the New York skyline began to light up before our eyes. 

The sunset it's self was so beautiful and perfect, it felt like I was living a dream. To be stood on top of one of the most famous buildings in the world watching the sun go down over New York city, with my best friend on one side and my boyfriend on the other was a moment I never thought I'd find myself in. Everything around us was just so peaceful, nothing else mattered other than the sun...

However, one memory from that night will stay with me always...
To the left of me stood a young woman in her early thirties clutching a small service dog close to her chest, sobbing as she watched the sun go down. Apart from she wasn't watching it lower over the Empire State Building, instead she was staring right at the gap in the skyline where the twin towers used to stand. I am so sorry I didn't have the guts to reach out to you and ask if you were okay, or tell you that everything was going to be alright. What ever the source of your pain, I'm so sorry it happened to you! I hope that one day your pain will end and you can move on...

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