9/11 Memorial ...

If you are ever lucky enough to visit New York City, there is one place you have to visit which will stay with you for the rest of your life. This place is the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The experience I had inside the museum will stay with me till the end...

When the devastating events of 9/11 occurred i was a mere seven years old, therefore I wasn't aware of it. However, as I've grown the story of the events of that day has found a place inside my heart! The sheer volume of tragedy that occurred that day is still hard to fathom, I still can't believe it! 

Now I knew this visit was going to be an emotional one, but i wasn't quite prepared for just how hard it would hit me...

The Museum it's self is made up of a few different sections, all of which display a stunning tribute to all those who lost their lives. When you first enter there is a brief overview of what happened that day all those years ago, before the experience truly begins and it hits you deeply. 

 The memorial is one of those places where you distance yourself from everyone around you and take everything in on your own, you will want to fully immerse yourself into everything that surrounds you. It's a place where emotions will over take you quickly and unexpectedly, but there is no need to be scared to show that you feel. The emotions i felt that day were the strongest I've felt all my life...

Inside displayed around you are pieces of the twin towers' structure, to physically see these ruins with your own eyes brings to life the reality of what happened that day. It leaves you with a sickening and heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Seeing the thick metal beams which once supported the tower bent in half right in front of you, empthasises just how powerful the impact truly was and the destruction it caused. It was haunting to see pieces of the original buildings where people lost their lives stood right in front of me. 

The memorial also housed part of the original staircase from one of the towers, this structure is what kick started my entire experience and i truly began to feel the powerful emotions connected with the memorial. Seeing the staircase made me think of how many people would have been frantically running down those steps terrified for their lives, I couldn't take in that it was right in front of me. 

 The next section of the memorial was a room dedicated to every single person who lost their life that day, plane passengers, tower workers, firefighters and everyone else involved. A photograph of each person hung on the walls of that room, to see their faces really hit home as none of them should have suffered! Inside the room were a few screens with the faces of each person on and a set of accompanying headphones, when a person was selected stories were told about them by their loved ones. 

I chose to listen to messages about a four year old girl which were given by her grandma, what I heard was truly devastating. The poor little girl was travelling to Disney Land with her family and was so excited, but she never made it. You would risk your life and do absolutely anything to protect your children, I can't even begin to imagine how her parents felt on that flight being so helpless and unable to save her. My heart goes out to the entire family and especially to the grandma who lost her entire world which is truly devastating. 

 The final part of the memorial was the main exhibition and took about an hour or so to walk around. It housed everything from actual ambulances from the scene, parts of police cars, helmets and uniforms from the emergency services, belongings of the victims, messages, phone calls and so much more. The silence inside was deafening, not one person spoke the entire time and instead were just taking in everything around them. 

Inside I watched a clip of a business woman jumping from one of the towers and holding down her skirt as she did so, which brought tears to my eyes. The sheer fact that she had to physically make the decision between burning and jumping is an unbearable choice that no one should ever have to make! Watching her hold her skirt down keeping her dignity till the very last second... I couldn't bare it! 

Around the memorial there were phones which you could pick up and listen to messages, the one I listened to will stay with me for the rest of my life!

The message I listened to was left on a woman's answering machine by her Husband who was on the plane that hit the towers. He proceeded to confess his love for his wife and then begin saying his goodbyes telling her he wasn't going to make it, i couldn't bare it and broke down crying. That must have been the hardest phone call he has ever made and I can't begin to imagine how she felt when she got the message! 

At the time I was listening to it I had my boyfriend stood next to me and I instantly felt myself in that mans shoes. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain of having to leave J a message like that knowing I was never going to see him again, the emotions just thinking about it were so painful! The fact that that man had to do that physically broke my heart and it will stay with me for the rest of my life! My heart goes out to his family and especially his wife, I'm so sorry this cruel world parted you both, that should never have happened. 

The final message I listened to was the answering machine of a fire fighter working on the scene. The messages I heard were left by his family and friends who knew he would be working on the scene, telling him how brave he was and how they couldn't wait to see him that night. However, sadly he never made it. No one should go out to work and never make it home! This brave man sacrificed his life to help save others which is the greatest sacrifice anyone can make, you are truly a hero and will never be forgotten! 

Whilst in New York I met an officer who was called to the scene of 9/11 to try and save lives, however when the first tower fell he was injured. Although he was hurt and had just witnessed the death of his friends he got back up and wanted to help others. Although the NYPD forced him to get onto a boat to receive treatment, from which he watched as the second tower fell and realized they saved his life. He continued to work with the friends and family of the victims and provide support for them. I can't even imagine the thoughts and emotions going through his mind that day, to hear his story was so surreal! 

The whole 9/11 experience was the most emotional and amazing experience of my entire life! To have witnessed the beautiful tribute to all of the victims tragically lost that day will stay with me forever. No one should have been killed that day, each one holds a special place in my heart!

I wish to leave you with one message...

Life is one of the most unpredictable journeys we will all embark on, but we do often take it for granted. However, it can be taken from us so suddenly which is devastating! Please remember to always take the time to be thankful for every single day, always remember to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. I could never imagine having to say goodbye to them and don't ever want to! Don't count your days, make them count! 

Life is a blessing and so delicate, we are truly so lucky to have it!

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