The Brooklyn Bridge ...

Now if there's one thing America knows how to do damn well, it is building beautiful bridges! The Brooklyn Bridge is definitely no exception to this. One afternoon we found ourselves with a few hours spare before our night time activities, so decided to head on out to pay it a visit.

Now I must warn you, actually trying to find the damn thing is not for the faint hearted! You see, we could find the bridge no problem, however finding the entrance to it is a lot harder than it sounds! It is like something from the Krypton Factor i swear! We were in DUMBO and ready to stroll across the magnificent bridge, however it took us about half an hour to find the walkway which led onto it. Every time we thought we had found it, nope the bridge carried on! About 84 years and a treck through Jumanji's jungle later, we actually managed to find it. 

Walking across the bridge and taking in the beautiful harbor around us was truly amazing. We were surrounded by many different people from all walks of life, which shows just how powerful a landmark can be in bringing people together! 

The bridge it's self had a walkway which was suspended above the road used by the traffic. To my amazement the pedestrian walkway was constructed entirely out of wooden slats, which was something I was not expecting at all! However, it gave it a pretty unique edge, as I had never seen a bridge of such a grand scale ever use that feature. The initial walk across is a little lengthy but is one I highly recommend and is a must if your in the area. We even decided to celebrate our success at finally finding it, with a cheeky bevvy at a quaint little Irish bar afterwards. 

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