New York City ...

Wednesday 13th June 2018

Imagine this ... the temperature is approximately one million and odd degrees, and JFK arrivals is absolutely rammed with holiday makers all rushing around! Then out of nowhere a group of eight Englishmen with no clue in hell where they are going stampede through, all attempting to control suitcases way bigger than themselves! The smallest runs off in search of an ATM and another darts for 'Dunkin' Donuts' ... IT WAS CARNAGE!! Can you tell this was our first time? ... really? What gave it away?!

Running on only a few hours sleep and stiff from the seven hour flight, the excitement began to ooze through our veins! After all those months of waiting and preparation it was finally happening, we were in New York! However our first destination was actually New Haven, CT for a week, but we knew we'd be back very soon to take New York by storm! 

The 2 hour drive from JFK airport to our accommodation in New Haven, gave me an insight into what NYC had to offer. It was somewhere I had dreamed of going for such a long time, and to finally be there in the flesh was so overwhelming! In that short amount of time NYC exceeded my expectations, displaying everything I had expected from such a beautiful city and more! Every aspect was perfect from the old fashioned yellow school buses just like those in "Recess", to the beautifully quaint houses standing proudly down every street, cars larger than most back home and the vast array of drinks and snacks at every gas station, most of which I'd never even heard of! All of this added to the hype that was already filling up inside of me, I had never felt excitement quite like it! I just knew this was going to be a trip to remember ...