Life Through A Lens...

Hey guys...Welcome to my blog! I have attempted to write a blog many times and many times I've managed to fail purely out of lack of dedication, creativity and professionalism in my blog design...but here I am! Right now I am at a time in my life where I feel writing a blog is perfect for capturing all of my thoughts, desires and adventures In a diary I can look back on and hopefully you guys will enjoy. Armed with a new blog design I am back and ready to dedicate myself to writing again as it is something I purely enjoy!!

About Me:

I shall give you guys a little bit of a insight into who I am and what I am all about...In a nutshell Amyyy (Amy) is my real name but "Life Through A Lens" is the professional name I go by due to my YouTube channel which also has this title. I make YouTube videos on a weekly basis ranging from Gig Vlogs to Main Channel Videos on topics which I can relate to and monthly Life Updates, this is a huge passion of mine so if you'd like then head on over and check out my channel. I currently study Forensic Science & Criminal Investigation at university but I have a passion to do more, I'm just your average girl nextdoor with a passion to travel the world and enjoy life! ...Me in 5 steps...BANDS, VLOGGING, TRAVELLING, TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS & MAKING MEMORIES!
If this all sounds like something your interested in then I hope you enjoy my blog :)

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