How To Write A Personal Statement...

If i counted the amount of times this summer I've had someone come to me either in tears or highly stressed about personal statements I'd honestly be rich, as a university second year I've already had to go through this the T-shirt and the battle scars to prove it! 

Writing one isn't an easy task and teachers or lecturers will be grilling you 24/7 about starting one and what to include, what not to include, the word count and blah blah blah! This will probably leave you screaming for help and ready to pull your own hair out, don't worry it went in one ear and out the other for me to! but.....WORRY NO MORE MY FRIENDS! get a cuppa, take a seat, get a notepad and take a few notes as I am here to help you out! Here is everything you need to know about writing a personal statement.....HERE WE GOOOOOOO! 

To Start.....the opening of your personal statement is key! A powerful opening statement sets you up for a great follow on and will grab the attention of the reader or in this case the person deciding whether or not to offer you a place. If your stuck for a powerful opener try and link it to why you want to study the course you have chosen, this will make you look keen and will get straight to the point and cut out all the jibber jabber or sop stories which trust me they will have 1000 and odd of....the key is to stand out!

Things To Mention.... within your statement try to include specific parts of the course that excite you, be that the facilities or a topic as this will show that you have done your research on the course you wish to study which makes you a great candidate! Just a little side note....if your going to include topics make sure it is relevant to every course you are applying to, therefore make it generic. 

Follow this up with....remember that all important work experience that you didn't really want to do but everyone told you it would come in handy? yep this is where it does! Once you've talked about the course slip in any work experience you have completed that relates to the course you are applying for, talk about the skills it gave you in respect to the course and how they will benefit your studies. If you have completed any taster days be sure to mention that as it will show inspiration from something the university has arranged. 

Be sure to include....mention what you are currently studying be that at college or sixth form and explain how this relates to the course you wish to apply for. 

Now I am well aware this may still sound very very daunting so let me break it down for you further....

- Identify the area of study you wish to go into
- Select 5 universities to apply for
- Research similarities between the course (this will help you with your statement)
- Begin your statement!!
- Powerful opening line (Why you want to study this course)
- Parts of the course you are looking forward to or interest you- Relevant work experience 
- What you currently study and how it links to the course your applying for

Personal statements have a word count, it is highly important that you do not go over the limit, check with your tutor, lecturer or teacher to find out what this will be. I found it easier to write all of my statement out regardless of the word count then condense it down to fit, but which ever method works for you stick to! Try your best not to waffle try to be straight to the point, and remember do not include a sop story as it will take up all of your word count and get you nowhere!

I hope that this was beneficial to at least one of you! Try not to panic about it to much.....i wrote my personal statement 10 times before I got it perfect! all of you applying to university....good luck and I hope you get accepted to your first choice!! 

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