Summer 2016... for me the word summer was something of a nightmare, a gateway into 7/8 weeks of loneliness, wondering where you fit in and basking in your own company. Summer was a word that would ring through my ears and sting as though I'd been stung by something deadly, the whole concept of it brought out sadness....not this year!

Its a very cheesy and almost a fairy tale concept to talk about that fact "one single event can change your life forever" but I highly believe that this is true, fate, destiny I believe everything happens for a reason! Now back to the key point....what I am trying to say is this summer has been a summer like no other, a summer full of adventures, laughs, fun times, drunken times and being surrounded by the most amazing friends I could ever ask for...friends a year ago I had no idea existed!! Which brings me to my whole jibber jabber of how one small event can change your life forever! For if I had never met one of these amazing people I would never have met any of them!!!

These people are not just friends they are like family to me! They are my easiest hello and my hardest goodbye, they give me the strength every single day and have gotten me through some very hard times and stood by me through hard decisions until we came out strong on the other end! If it had not been for these individuals I'd still be trapped and a mis-shapen version of myself, but thanks to them I have the confidence to be myself! Every single second spend together is full of laughs and memories that will forever put a smile on our faces! These girls truly have changed my life and allowed me to be the person I want to be, and hopefully they like the person I have become!

This summer has been like nothing I have ever experienced, I was never one of those people surrounded by many friends or anyone someone wanted to be friends with, now I'm very lucky to be surrounded by individuals who take the time to come see me and miss me! I have no idea what I did to deserve this complete flip from being so unhappy and alone to feeling so content and surrounded by the best people in the world!!

To everyone I shared my summer with, you make everything worth while and I honestly have no idea where I'd be without you! Love you all and see you all soon....summer 2017 is something to look forward to.....lets do it all again!

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