The City That Never Sleeps...

Do you ever see something on TV and think to yourself "You know what.. I wanna visit that place one day!", well for me Times Square was one of those bucket list worthy places! Over the years I have watched many movies and TV shows set in New York City, seen musicians and movie stars posing perfectly in the streets and listened to my friends reminisce about memories they have made there! Times Square very quickly became somewhere I longed to visit, but never in a million years ever thought I'd ever get lucky enough to make a reality. 

In my opinion Times Square is two completely different places contrasting between day and night, you have to experience both to truly feel the magic and buzz that this city can radiate! During the day it's like any other big city, full of people rushing around, tourists gawping at every small detail and yellow cabs filling the streets like a hive of bumble bees. However at night... that's when the real magic happens! 

We decided to waste no time at all and on our first night ventured out to see what all the fuss was about! The square was a very different place to what I had seen during the day, every store sign was now glowing an array of different colours, despite the sky being pitch black it was brighter than ever out there. I was surrounded by the many screens Times Square is famous for all displaying different ads, entertainers dressed as Elsa, Spiderman and even the Statue Of Liberty roaming the streets ready to put on a show and horse drawn carriage drivers zipping around taking their passengers to every inch of the city. 

I was so surprised by the sheer volume of people out and about at such a late hour, getting somewhere fast was virtually impossible in the crowds that surrounded the square! The traffic was impossible as Taxis struggled to get around due to insane crowds covering the streets, it was almost laughable however the large crowds meant extra care had to be taken to not be separated from your group. 

Back in Preston the shopping centre shuts at around 6pm, so it felt almost insane to be out and about shopping at near enough midnight! Although it had a rather surreal feeling, almost like when you go midnight shopping on Christmas eve to get the last of the veg in before the big day. It was truly and utterly insane but I felt so happy, i couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. To be part of the hustle and bustle was amazing and honestly made me feel so alive.  Life in New York City was so beautiful, and it felt like no amount of time could even begin to ruin the bubble that surrounds it! 

To finally be stood there in Times Square after all this time was a feeling I can't even begin to put into words, and to finally be the one getting their photograph taken in front of the famous bright lights is still something I can't to this day even believe happened! The experience was made all the more perfect by having my boyfriend by my side the entire time, I was swamped with this overwhelming feeling that life can be good, you just have to get through the bad to be rewarded with the good! I never thought I'd find someone who loves me enough to put up with me and want to be by my side, never mind stand by me in front of Times Square!

This beautiful city is an escape from reality that everyone should experience at least once in their lives, it truly is the city that never sleeps! I guess the moral of this story is that if you believe hard enough, you really can make your dreams a reality! 

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