When In Boston...

If you follow my blog posts then I'm sure you already know that a few months ago I was lucky enough to be exploring Boston, Massachusetts. Having already spent the full morning roaming the grounds of Harvard University, we were now left with some free time on our hands to use how ever we pleased! 

One location we all were very keen to visit was that of Massachusetts Institute Of Technology! I know what your all thinking... not exactly your idea of having fun ey? Well let's not forget we are all CSI's after all!

Just like every other Academic building we had previously seen, this one was truly magnificent! The main entrance to MIT resembled that of the Natural History Museum, so very grand and elegant complete with white stone pillars and a stair case leading up to it. In true tourist style we of course decided to have a lil photo shoot upon the stairs! 

The TV savvy among you may recall a show which aired in America during the 1980's and 90's, I of course mean none other than the sitcom "Cheers". As we were in Boston it of course seemed rude to not head inside the "Cheers" bar for a quick drink! Inside was overflowing with various memorabilia items and souvenirs from the show, which was actually the most popular series of all time during it's time on air. We headed upstairs in the hope of finding a seat, however every other human being in Boston also seemed to have the same idea! The place was rammed with cheery people all chattering away while they drank out of "Cheers" inscribed steins, so instead we opted for a quick soft drink refresher before heading back out to explore some more! 
Our casual wanders took us for a stroll through Boston Common, which was a little more like the local parks we are used to back home as opposed to that of Central Park! However the park was still so beautiful, complete with it's own lake and water fountain. Walking through that park with the sun shinning down on us, time stopped for a minute and I had absolutely no cares in the world during that single moment! 

After all this exploring there was only one thing left to do... SHOPPING!! While wandering around Boston City we stumbled across the cutest little indoor food market, which we just had to go check out! Inside the market was rammed with tourists from all different walks of life, brushing shoulders with them all as we passed through felt like we were taking a walk down a cobbled street just bathing in culture! The stalls sold all sorts of food ranging from Pizza, Seafood, Mexican and even sweet dessert stands. 

We finished of the day by making a pit stop at none other than Primark which was bigger than anything I could have imagined, posing with the word Boston all lit up in baby blue lighting. Although Boston was one of the most tiring days of the the entire trip it was beyond worth it, I would 100% do it all again in a heartbeat! 

Massachusetts Institution Of Technology

Cheers Bar

Boston Common

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