5 Ways To Personalize Your Bedroom...

For me my bedroom is my sanctuary and one of my favorite places to just lay down and relax, a bedroom is somewhere you should be able to come back to at the end of a long day and feel truly at home! ...Which is why I love to spend time decorating it! There are so many unique and creative ways you can personalize your bedroom space to make it true to you and reflect your personality, here are 5 ways to express your own individuality and get decorating...

1) Photographs

The phrase "A picture paints a thousand words" is something I highly agree with which is why the main feature of my bedroom is a photo wall, I love the concept of looking at a photograph and being able to tell the story behind it and relive the amazing memories. Photographs have powerful ways of bringing around good vibes whenever you see them and making you smile, I believe everyone should at least have a few photographs around to keep you going. So....choose your favorite photographs with your favorite people, head on down to your local Boots, Asda or wherever can cater to your photo printing needs and create your photo wall or hang them up if you prefer....I promise it will make you smile! 

2) Tags

If I told you that package tags are cute and quirky you'd call me crazy right?....Well let's see if I can prove you wrong! Get your hands on some brown package tags, choose your favorite song quotes, write them on the tags and hang them up. This adds individuality as the lyrics will be specific to your music taste and mean something too you every time you look at them!

3) Fairy Lights

Everyone is raving about fairy lights am I right?....If you head on down to your local shopping centre so many different shops will be selling them in a variety of different, colours, sizes and shapes meaning you can choose something to suit you. Fairy lights add a relaxing mood to your room as it allows you to dim your lights and not have to suffer with the harsh light of the light bulb all the time. Get your hands on a design you love and wrap them round your bed frame to create a super cute mood tailored to you!

4) Quotes And Sayings 

This day and age nearly every item in the home ware department will feature some kind of inspirational quote and I just cant get enough of them!! On days where you feel down or your just not having a good day waking up to an inspirational quote is very powerful as it can change your whole train of thought, this is something I highly recommend having around. Be sure to choose a quote that you can relate to on a personal level meaning it will mean something to you and make you happy every time you see it, everything from plaques to cushions can feature quotes making it easy to find something that suits you! 

5) Initialed Accessories

Now I don't know about you but I can't think of a better way to add a personal touch to your room than using your own initials, luckily there are currently tons of different suppliers that can help you out. Anything and everything from cushions, lamps, blocks and stationery can be found in the shape of letters meaning you can choose something to fit well with your room. Choose your favourite product, buy your first and second initial and add a personal touch to your room that's 100% unique to you! 

It's Okay To Not Be Okay...

Mental Health.... alone these words don't stand as something to ominous or serious, they are just two words. Mental... well that's used to describe someone when they do something silly or they make you laugh you'll say "you're mental" or you think of a character from a movie that you'll never have to face. Health... you think of doctors, you think treatable, you think of something like an illness you can get some pills for and it will never bother you again....but put those words together and you create one of the scariest phrases.... Mental Health....it's a whole new meaning!

Mental Health issues are one of the most misunderstood medical conditions out there as looks are deceiving, they always say don't judge a book by it's cover and i highly believe this applies here! Just because someone seems happy on the outside doesn't mean inside they are not falling apart it just means that they are strong enough to show a brave face, strong enough to face the world even though they feel like it's always against them!

Doctors, Councillors and various other individuals seem to paint mental health disorders as something you can just sit down talk about and hey presto it's magically dealt with and vanished, however this is very much not the case! Sometimes we just learn to live with it and develop our own way of coping that no therapy can offer us, but this does not mean that every single day is easy.....It's okay to not be okay! 

I know all to well how this feels, i know what it's like to go through hell and dedicate a lot of your time to therapy and various other methods for it all to just come crashing down and be thrown back in your face! For a long period of time you feel great about life again you feel like you've accomplished something and feel inspired by the journey you've been on and truly believe you've managed to get your life back on track, then all of a sudden you find yourself back at square one just in the flip of one single second! 

You're probably wondering why the hell I'm bothering writing this or what on earth I'm blabbering on about....well let me tell you! Battling my own mental health is something I have to do on a daily basis, I myself completed a course of therapy and left feeling positive about my life and a changed person and managed to change the lives of a lot of other people by bringing them positivity and always being there with something positive to say to get them through all the hard times. I managed about a full year in a positive frame of mind, of course I had days where I'd crash but I was lucky enough to not have an extensive breakdown....but now I've noticed that even the most positive of people can run out of positivity one day. I managed a whole year or so with just a few minor issues I was able to control but lately things have spiraled and dropped me back at square one again, because of this I've realized it's okay to not be okay!! It's okay to hold your hands up and ask for help and admit you can't do it anymore, it's okay to scream and cry! but the most important thing to remember is don't give up and you are not alone!

The message of this blog post is not a sop story and it's not for sympathy, its to highlight to people out there who are also going through a tough time and are also suffering, I know how you feel! It scares me highly to be back at rock bottom again but as long as you believe and as long as you have the strength and support you will be okay I promise! holding your hands up to your issues is not a sign of weakness, its a sign or strength and together we will come out on top! 

I've probably confused/bored a lot of you but there will be some individuals among you who can relate, and to those who can we are all here for you! You are loved and you will come out on top, together we can battle mental health and together we will stand up to it and be strong....Just remember it's okay to not be okay!!


How To Write A Personal Statement...

If i counted the amount of times this summer I've had someone come to me either in tears or highly stressed about personal statements I'd honestly be rich, as a university second year I've already had to go through this ordeal.....got the T-shirt and the battle scars to prove it! 

Writing one isn't an easy task and teachers or lecturers will be grilling you 24/7 about starting one and what to include, what not to include, the word count and blah blah blah! This will probably leave you screaming for help and ready to pull your own hair out, don't worry it went in one ear and out the other for me to! but.....WORRY NO MORE MY FRIENDS! get a cuppa, take a seat, get a notepad and take a few notes as I am here to help you out! Here is everything you need to know about writing a personal statement.....HERE WE GOOOOOOO! 

To Start.....the opening of your personal statement is key! A powerful opening statement sets you up for a great follow on and will grab the attention of the reader or in this case the person deciding whether or not to offer you a place. If your stuck for a powerful opener try and link it to why you want to study the course you have chosen, this will make you look keen and will get straight to the point and cut out all the jibber jabber or sop stories which trust me they will have 1000 and odd of....the key is to stand out!

Things To Mention.... within your statement try to include specific parts of the course that excite you, be that the facilities or a topic as this will show that you have done your research on the course you wish to study which makes you a great candidate! Just a little side note....if your going to include topics make sure it is relevant to every course you are applying to, therefore make it generic. 

Follow this up with....remember that all important work experience that you didn't really want to do but everyone told you it would come in handy? yep this is where it does! Once you've talked about the course slip in any work experience you have completed that relates to the course you are applying for, talk about the skills it gave you in respect to the course and how they will benefit your studies. If you have completed any taster days be sure to mention that as it will show inspiration from something the university has arranged. 

Be sure to include....mention what you are currently studying be that at college or sixth form and explain how this relates to the course you wish to apply for. 

Now I am well aware this may still sound very very daunting so let me break it down for you further....

- Identify the area of study you wish to go into
- Select 5 universities to apply for
- Research similarities between the course (this will help you with your statement)
- Begin your statement!!
- Powerful opening line (Why you want to study this course)
- Parts of the course you are looking forward to or interest you- Relevant work experience 
- What you currently study and how it links to the course your applying for

Personal statements have a word count, it is highly important that you do not go over the limit, check with your tutor, lecturer or teacher to find out what this will be. I found it easier to write all of my statement out regardless of the word count then condense it down to fit, but which ever method works for you stick to! Try your best not to waffle try to be straight to the point, and remember do not include a sop story as it will take up all of your word count and get you nowhere!

I hope that this was beneficial to at least one of you! Try not to panic about it to much.....i wrote my personal statement 10 times before I got it perfect! Finally....to all of you applying to university....good luck and I hope you get accepted to your first choice!! 

Summer 2016...

Summer....now for me the word summer was something of a nightmare, a gateway into 7/8 weeks of loneliness, wondering where you fit in and basking in your own company. Summer was a word that would ring through my ears and sting as though I'd been stung by something deadly, the whole concept of it brought out sadness....not this year!

Its a very cheesy and almost a fairy tale concept to talk about that fact "one single event can change your life forever" but I highly believe that this is true, fate, destiny I believe everything happens for a reason! Now back to the key point....what I am trying to say is this summer has been a summer like no other, a summer full of adventures, laughs, fun times, drunken times and being surrounded by the most amazing friends I could ever ask for...friends a year ago I had no idea existed!! Which brings me to my whole jibber jabber of how one small event can change your life forever! For if I had never met one of these amazing people I would never have met any of them!!!

These people are not just friends they are like family to me! They are my easiest hello and my hardest goodbye, they give me the strength every single day and have gotten me through some very hard times and stood by me through hard decisions until we came out strong on the other end! If it had not been for these individuals I'd still be trapped and a mis-shapen version of myself, but thanks to them I have the confidence to be myself! Every single second spend together is full of laughs and memories that will forever put a smile on our faces! These girls truly have changed my life and allowed me to be the person I want to be, and hopefully they like the person I have become!

This summer has been like nothing I have ever experienced, I was never one of those people surrounded by many friends or anyone someone wanted to be friends with, now I'm very lucky to be surrounded by individuals who take the time to come see me and miss me! I have no idea what I did to deserve this complete flip from being so unhappy and alone to feeling so content and surrounded by the best people in the world!!

To everyone I shared my summer with, you make everything worth while and I honestly have no idea where I'd be without you! Love you all and see you all soon....summer 2017 is something to look forward to.....lets do it all again!

My Hometown...Newcastle!

There's always something so comforting about going back to your hometown, you take for granted the sights it has to offer, however when you return you appreciate its familiarity! This is exactly how I was feeling after moving away to university, and being away from Newcastle for so long! 

Newcastle has a well established nightlife reputation, aside from that the city has so much to offer from colourful buildings, beautiful old fashioned buildings, unique sculptures and a Quayside that just lights up!  

If your not from Newcastle or have never took a step back and appreciated the city then don't worry I got your back .... Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Newcastle!

Sweet Inspirations...

I don't know about you guys but when I think YouTube Zoella instantly comes to mind, when a video titled "Sweet Inspirations" hit my subscriptions box I was instantly intrigued! 

It took me a while to decide exactly which products I wanted to test, I only buy what I think I will use rather than for the sake of who made it! I wanted to love and adore what I bought and not have another dust gatherer on my shelf! 

The "Sweet Inspirations" range consisted of blissful bath and shower products as well as lotions, cosmetic bags and body mists. Pastel blue, pink and white laced with gorgeous gold detailing was the running packaging theme throughout, they really were sitting pretty! 

Purchase number one was the "Sweet Inspirations Body Mist", sweet scents really aren't my thing so I was pretty skeptical about the whole macaroon scent situation, however I was proved wrong! The scent isn't to harsh or overpowering and has a reasonably long duration time, leaving you smelling beautiful for longer! Retailing at £8.00 I would highly recommend this product! 

Purchase number two was the "Body Fondant", originally I saw this product in her YouTube video and instantly fell in love with the whole concept! Every other girl in the area also fell for it as it was extremely hard to locate, retailing at £10 this is a definite summer must have! You can't beat a healthy looking glow!

*Zoella's "Sweet Inpirations" range is available to buy in all Superdrug stores 

Spontaneous Moments...

If you received a text at 1am your natural reaction is to ignore it and go back to sleep am I right? .... are you sure? .... this may change your mind!

Imagine this, its 1am and your all toasty in your jim jams ready to get some beauty sleep, but your pal asks you to buy a ticket for a train that leaves in 6 hours .... do you accept?

Spontaneous moments continuously occur in our day to day lives, we just lack the courage and capability to pursue them. Sometimes when that tiny little voice inside your head tells you to go, then go! Those are the days that lead to incredible adventures!

I was running on 4 hours sleep sat on that 7am train to Manchester, all in the hope of bumping into The Vamps! Those four boys are my safety net, their gigs are where I feel most at home and truly happy, they are my safe place! They truly have brought me to some of the most amazing people I would not have met otherwise .... ladies and gentlemen meet "Brad Shrimp"!!

Being around those lads brings a smile I never thought would be capable, for a split second time stops and I feel like everything is going to be okay! They have given me the strength to keep going during the hardest of times, and for that no words can be enough to thank them! 

So my selfie game isn't exactly the strongest but nerves do sometimes get the better of you when someone means so much! The lads were actually in Manchester ahead of their performance with Key 103 which we sadly didn't have tickets for, however sometimes good things happen to those who deserve it and the stewards kindly let us in!!

Spontaneous moments are the highlights of life, remember to seize them! Amazing things happen when you least expect them to, you just have to have the courage to pursue them!