Sweet Inspirations...

I don't know about you guys but when I think YouTube Zoella instantly comes to mind, when a video titled "Sweet Inspirations" hit my subscriptions box I was instantly intrigued! 

It took me a while to decide exactly which products I wanted to test, I only buy what I think I will use rather than for the sake of who made it! I wanted to love and adore what I bought and not have another dust gatherer on my shelf! 

The "Sweet Inspirations" range consisted of blissful bath and shower products as well as lotions, cosmetic bags and body mists. Pastel blue, pink and white laced with gorgeous gold detailing was the running packaging theme throughout, they really were sitting pretty! 

Purchase number one was the "Sweet Inspirations Body Mist", sweet scents really aren't my thing so I was pretty skeptical about the whole macaroon scent situation, however I was proved wrong! The scent isn't to harsh or overpowering and has a reasonably long duration time, leaving you smelling beautiful for longer! Retailing at £8.00 I would highly recommend this product! 

Purchase number two was the "Body Fondant", originally I saw this product in her YouTube video and instantly fell in love with the whole concept! Every other girl in the area also fell for it as it was extremely hard to locate, retailing at £10 this is a definite summer must have! You can't beat a healthy looking glow!

*Zoella's "Sweet Inpirations" range is available to buy in all Superdrug stores 

Spontaneous Moments...

If you received a text at 1am your natural reaction is to ignore it and go back to sleep am I right? .... are you sure? .... this may change your mind!

Imagine this, its 1am and your all toasty in your jim jams ready to get some beauty sleep, but your pal asks you to buy a ticket for a train that leaves in 6 hours .... do you accept?

Spontaneous moments continuously occur in our day to day lives, we just lack the courage and capability to pursue them. Sometimes when that tiny little voice inside your head tells you to go, then go! Those are the days that lead to incredible adventures!

I was running on 4 hours sleep sat on that 7am train to Manchester, all in the hope of bumping into The Vamps! Those four boys are my safety net, their gigs are where I feel most at home and truly happy, they are my safe place! They truly have brought me to some of the most amazing people I would not have met otherwise .... ladies and gentlemen meet "Brad Shrimp"!!

Being around those lads brings a smile I never thought would be capable, for a split second time stops and I feel like everything is going to be okay! They have given me the strength to keep going during the hardest of times, and for that no words can be enough to thank them! 

So my selfie game isn't exactly the strongest but nerves do sometimes get the better of you when someone means so much! The lads were actually in Manchester ahead of their performance with Key 103 which we sadly didn't have tickets for, however sometimes good things happen to those who deserve it and the stewards kindly let us in!!

Spontaneous moments are the highlights of life, remember to seize them! Amazing things happen when you least expect them to, you just have to have the courage to pursue them! 

Welcome To Wales...

Wales ...

Travelling is one of the few things that really does make you appreciate what life has to offer! exploring new places and learning new things is permanently at the top of my bucket list, Wales gave me the opportunity to do just that! When the opportunity arose to spend three days somewhere so close to home yet unexplored I just had to seize it!

Now it wouldn't be a good trip up the mountains without a good old bit of rain, naturally the weather failed to entertain us and instead decided we prefer a storm, waterproofs and wellies at the ready we tackled the weather like a boss! Exploring was made even more memorable by being surrounded with friends I will never forget!

Life Through A Lens...

Hey guys...Welcome to my blog! I have attempted to write a blog many times and many times I've managed to fail purely out of lack of dedication, creativity and professionalism in my blog design...but here I am! Right now I am at a time in my life where I feel writing a blog is perfect for capturing all of my thoughts, desires and adventures In a diary I can look back on and hopefully you guys will enjoy. Armed with a new blog design I am back and ready to dedicate myself to writing again as it is something I purely enjoy!!

About Me:

I shall give you guys a little bit of a insight into who I am and what I am all about...In a nutshell Amyyy (Amy) is my real name but "Life Through A Lens" is the professional name I go by due to my YouTube channel which also has this title. I make YouTube videos on a weekly basis ranging from Gig Vlogs to Main Channel Videos on topics which I can relate to and monthly Life Updates, this is a huge passion of mine so if you'd like then head on over and check out my channel. I currently study Forensic Science & Criminal Investigation at university but I have a passion to do more, I'm just your average girl nextdoor with a passion to travel the world and enjoy life! ...Me in 5 steps...BANDS, VLOGGING, TRAVELLING, TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS & MAKING MEMORIES!
If this all sounds like something your interested in then I hope you enjoy my blog :)