American Museum Of Natural History ...

If you know me well, then you will know I am an avid lover of movies! My collection literally takes up the majority of my under bed storage! Wasting away the day snuggled up in bed with a blanket and a cuppa watching my favourites, is when Im at my happiest! When I was roughly 10 years old a film called "Night At The Museum" was released, which Im sure the majority of you have either heard of or seen. Since then the Natural History Museum has found it's self on my bucket list, I just longed to see where all the magic happened! Fast forward 12 years and there I was stood right in front of none other than the American Museum Of Natural History!

Standing tall and proud beyond the trees of Central Park, was the most magnificent building complete with pillars making it look all grand and elegant. Sat high upon his horse on the museum stairs stood the main man himself, and one of the biggest assets of the Museum which I really couldn't leave without seeing; President Theodore Roosevelt.

As I entered the revolving doors which lead into the foyer, the nostalgia of being 10 years old and watching Ben Stiller do the same hit me hard! It was as though those doors were some sort of time machine, I entered them as a 22 year old and transformed into a 12 year old right there inside the Museum entrance. 

Of course throughout my time there I did unconsciously compare what I saw in the movie, to what was actually within the museum. Unlike the movie Rexy was not actually stood near the main doors, instead he was actually on the fourth floor but that didn't matter to much to me; I was just happy to actually see him! The hustle and bustle radiating from the crowds inside the Museum made me feel like a child on Christmas Eve, bursting with excitement! 

There were about four floors full of many different exhibits, everything ranging from African Mammals, Dinosaurs, Birds, Primates and many many more! Sadly many exhibits from the movie were not actually within the Museum, such as Ahkmenrah, Attila the Hun, Sacagawea and a few more ... but I guess it has been about 10 years! However as I climbed each floor I couldn't help but mentally tick off each character that we did find! Teddy Roosevelt... check! Rexy... check! Dexter... double check!!

Gift shops are my weakness, and the Museum had a fair few of them at that! Naturally my inner child came out and I left with none other than a stuffed Dinosaur toy, yes i am 22 and still like cuddly toys! ... I have no regrets!

They say that the American Museum Of Natural History comes alive at night... but for me it was just as alive during the day!

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