Dr Henry.C.Lee Institute ...

Have you ever had an experience so incredible, that to this day the fact it actually took place still hasn't sunk in? ... for me the Henry.C.Lee Institute was one of those experiences! 

For those who are not aware Dr Henry Lee is the worlds No.1 Forensic Scientist, having worked on many high profile cases such as JonBenet Ramsay and O.J. Simpson. 

As someone who's recently graduated with a Bsc in Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, the opportunity to be taught at such a world renowned Institution was an enormous deal for me!  To go one step better ... we were to be taught by none other than Dr Lee himself! 

The whole course lasted for one week and focused on the art of Firearms Reconstructions. We were given a mixture of classroom based tutorials, and practical sessions both in a laboratory setting and on the open firearms range. Not only were we being taught by professionals in the field, but we were also lucky enough to be taking the course alongside individuals of high authority such as the New Haven Police Department. 

In regards to Dr Lee he was actually far from what I expected! Being a man of such high authority within the Forensic's world and having a skill set so highly desired, I expected his demeanor to be somewhat smug and slightly arrogant.  However I was pleasantly surprised and 100% proved wrong! Although he was to be addressed as Dr Lee and his verdict and say stood above that of others, he was also very friendly to all participants of the course! He was able to interact with us and crack jokes rather than always being so serious! We were also given T-shirts from his institute, took photographs with him, received signed postcards and even managed to get some autographed books! The skills learnt and witnessed over that week were something that could never be taught to us within an English University setting, they are highly valuable to all that participated and were a once in a life time opportunity! The things Dr Lee had done and the knowledge he has was incredible, every single person looked up to him and it truly was an experience like no other! 

I feel incredibly lucky to have been selected to seize this opportunity, I want to thank all those who either made it possible or was involved with my experience! It truly was something I will never forget, and there will never be enough words for the Thank You's or to explain truly how amazing it all was ...

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