Central Park ...

Let me ask you something ... what do all of these movies have in common? ; Home Alone, Elf, Night At The Museum, Spiderman, The Smurfs, Sex In The City, I am Legend, The Devil Wears Prada, Ghostbusters and Breakfast At Tiffany's ... Guessed it yet? 

Well aside from being absolute classics (Of course), they all include scenes shot in none other than Central Park! The park it's self has taken Centre Stage in many movies and TV series' over the years, so naturally we had to take a lil trip and see what all the fuss is about! This was actually the first place we visited upon our arrival in New York, I had high expectations for the Park but honestly it manage to exceed them! 

It's a park right? it can't be that big right? ... WRONG!! it was flippin' enormous! It's one of those places you could play Hide & Seek in, but not find your mate until like a week later! The hustle and bustle within the park was amazing, if you look around you you'd find people from all different walks of life doing many different things. You'd find children running around or playing on the rocks and climbing frames, runners and cyclists, people practicing yoga, tourists from all over the world, ballet dancers and even newly engaged couples having a photoshoot!!

The park it's self was beautiful, filled with enormous trees and bright green grass all superbly looked after! Running around the floor and climbing trees everywhere were lots of Grey squirrels, who were a lot less scared of humans than those back home! In fact they were pretty damn fond of the camera, sometimes even posing for us. All around were various food stalls, painting stalls and features ranging from statues of Historical people to a beautiful water fountain right in the middle of the park. 

Of course we decided to take advantage of it and have a little girls only photo shoot! However the highlight of the park was the huge lake in the middle! As there was six of us we decided to take a cute little boat trip upon it, we split up into groups of three and set off in our little rowing boats! Now you probably already know that I am terrified of water, and have a massive phobia of drowning! Nonetheless I decided to continue to conquer those fears and actually thoroughly enjoyed myself! Armed with my best friend sat by my side and my boyfriend rowing for us, I felt so safe and everything felt so perfect! With the cool crisp New York breeze in our hair and the skyline emerging beyond the trees, life stood still for a split second and all my worries merged away ... could life get any better! 

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